blojsim - changelog

blojsim 0.9 (codename: breadfan)

May 11th, 2003 - Happy Mothers Day - (tag: blojsim-0_9-final)

NEW: If you are upgrading from a previous release, please read the upgrading instructions

- Repackaged as a WAR file to allow for easy installation ontop of blojsom
- Totally refactord the configuration to use the new and not the various servlet <init-params/>
- Updated to the 1.01 release of the SMACK Library (powers the Jabber support)
- MSN Support added utilizing the JMSN Library
- New "entries via blojsim" artwork (see bottom of page) thanks to the folks at Omnimondo

The following bugs were fixed:

The following RFEs were addressed:
RFE 682485: No support for blojsom Categories
RFE 732984: Request Installation Instructions Logo