blojsim - installation


installation and default configuration

1. Download blojsim.

2. Unpack blojsim.war using Java's JAR program (jar xvf blojsim.war) into the directory where you unpacked blojsom

3. Configure the /WEB-INF/ file for your Instant Message settings.

Configuration parameter Default value Usage
valid-posters   Points to file that contains a list of Instant Message accounts that are allowed to post to this blog.
For example: /WEB-INF/valid.posters

This file contains a single IM id per line.

jabber-userid   The userid to use when connecting to the Jabber server
jabber-password   The password to use when connecting to the Jabber server
jabber-server jabber.orgThe alternate Jabber server to connect to
aim-userid   The userid to use when connecting to the AIM server
aim-password   The password to use when connecting to the AIM server
aim-server The alternate AIM server to connect to
aim-server-port 9898 The alternate port to use when connecting to the AIM server
msn-userid   The userid to use when connecting to the MSN server
msn-password   The password to use when connecting to the MSN server

4. Add the following to your /WEB-INF/web.xml


For AIM use org.ignition.blojsom.extension.blojsim.BlojsimAIMServlet
For MSN use org.ignition.blojsom.extension.blojsim.BlojsimMSNServlet
For Jabber use org.ignition.blojsom.extension.blojsim.BlojsimJabberServlet

5. Edit the contents of your valid poster file (default is /WEB-INF/valid.posters) to enable to can post to your blog. An example file is provided.

6. Restart you application server and IM! Logo